At family gatherings, are you more likely to hang out with the younger or older relatives? I guess I hang out more with the middle-aged group, being that I'm 40-something and there are much younger and much older folks there.
Have you ever had the power go out while you were in the bathroom at nighttime? I have. It's so fun being in the shower and all of a sudden no lights.
Do you agree that "nice guys finish last"? Not all of them finish last. Some of them are among the pack in the middle.
Considering your current health, how long do you think you will live? I'm hoping for at least 40 more years.
Do you have anything in your room that would be 'weird' to others? Oh yeah, a long list of stuff.
What TV commercial are you sick of seeing? I pretty much DVR everything and skip commercials. Thank you DVR!
When was the last time someone complimented you on your hair? I get complimented quite often on my hair. Some people can't believe it's all natural curl/body and not a perm. When I use the hair straightener, people then compliment the color.
What would you think if you found out your mom/dad had another kid with someone else and didn't tell you? BTDT. I have been told I have a sister out there some where. I wasn't surprised. Dad wasn't the faithful kind.
Do you usually catch a cold during the winter? I often get a runny nose and sniffles right as the weather starts to change.
What scares or scared you most about going to college/university? Never felt scared during that time. Wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible.
Have you ever done geocaching? No desire.
Are you a good multi-tasker? I have to be.
What was the last game you won? Some tournament on Facebook a few days ago.
Do you know any deaf people? There are a few deaf/hard of hearing people who come into my store from time to time.
When you hear the name Rory, do you think of a boy or a girl? Boy.
What makes your favourite TV show unique? I'll go with The Big Bang Theory on this question. It's so unique because it has the character, Sheldon. If you haven't seen this show, watch it and you'll see what I mean.
What are you currently wearing? Blue Old Navy(ON) lounge pants, red ON tshirt, undies, red sandals, and a smile.
Do you enjoy playing Monopoly? Not really. I'll play if the kids beg me.
Is there a doorknocker on your front door? Nope.
What was behind your last status update? (Facebook or Twitter, etc.) From Twitter, 'I'm not a proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one.' I was just venting about a jerk.
Do 'laugh tracks' on TV shows annoy you? They do if used too often and when they replay the same laughs over and over and over and over.
How many times in your life have you seen a dead bird, approximately? Lots. Is that approximate enough?
Do you think dreadlocks are awesome or gross? I'm neither impressed or repelled by them.
Can you correctly define an anemone? It's some kind of plant or flower.
Have you ever been to No.
Would you rather live out of a van for a year or share a house with three other families? Share. I'd make myself as scarce as possible too.
Do you know anyone named Jesus? Yes.
How many parents under 25 do you know? Not many. Not my age group.
What colour was the last piece of gum you ate? Can't remember.
Where do you get blisters the most? I get those stupid bumps inside my mouth on occasion.
Do you always use conditioner when you wash your hair? No, but I do use a conditioning spritz.
What is an interesting fact about your state/province? The largest earthquake in American history, the New Madrid Earthquake, occurred in the winter of 1811-12 in Tennessee.
How old are the headphones you are currently using? Not sure. Maybe 2-3 years old.
Were you ever into Pokémon? No, but my kids are/have been.
Have you ever been to a high school football game? I've been to a million of 'em.
Do your parents tell you what kind of people you can and can't date? That's my husband's job now.
What kind of laundry detergent do you use? Gain.
Is there a topic about which you know everything (or, at least, a WHOLE lot)? I'm a know it all, yo.
If you were playing a sport and you got to pick your number, which one would you choose? 16.
Do you think there are certain situations in which it is better to lie than to tell the truth? I can think of a few.
What's the worst thing you've ever done to another person? Intentionally went out of my way to hurt them. Bad Diva!
Do people often mistake you for other ethnicities? Well, you see, I'm a mutt and most people can guess at least 2 right. No one ever gets the American Indian(Cherokee) though since the Irish in me is so pronounced.
Have you ever been on 4chan? WTH is that? I guess not.
Has anyone famous ever attended your school? Several.
Do you think it is ever appropriate to use more than one exclamation point?!!!! Yes! There!! Is!!!
Have you ever had to attend an event that occurred on your birthday? I usually work on my birthday.
Have you ever felt superior to another person because of an opinion you had that differed from theirs? Does the moniker 'Diva' not give that away?
How would you feel about your SO watching pornography? Without me? Eh. Big deal.
Have you ever met up in person with anybody that you met online? No.
If you were in a relationship, how would you prefer to be broken up with? By text. That way, his face doesn't get broken and i won't go to jail.
Who was your best boyfriend/girlfriend? Spidey(hubby) all the way.
What do you think makes a girl a slut? Giving it up to anybody and everybody.
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