Monday, July 12, 2010

A little diversion...

Found here.
Name two things that you have on you at all times:
A smirk and a double chin.

What's the color of your bedsheets?
I believe it's called 'golden harvest'.

How much cash do you have on you right now?
None after paying for my 7th graders immunizations this morning.

What is your favorite town/city?
NYC, Colorado Springs or Boulder or Estes Park, and New Orleans BK(before Katrina).

What did you have for dinner last night?
I broke down and finally made sloppy joes. My 12 year old was very happy.

What website(s) do you visit the most during the day?
Facebook, Google(gmail), food blogs, online news.

Is anything on your body hurting right now?
My healing sunburn is itching like a

What is your favorite Starbucks drink?
I don't do business with Starbucks.

Recent time that you were really upset?
I try not to get really upset. Frown lines and wrinkles are the enemy.

What wild animals have you seen outside a zoo?
Normal semi-rural wildlife.

Do you consider yourself to be an "animal person"?
Only if I don't have to take care of said animal.

Are you afraid of any animals?
Of course. Some animals will eat your face. Haven't you ever heard that?

What is your favorite animal?
I like big cats - leopards, tigers, cheetahs, etc. Yeah, the kind that will eat your face.

Are there any animals you wish were extinct?
Big ass snakes.

What products do you buy the most? (Clothes, food, etc.)
Food. My kids are always starving.

What is your favorite store to shop at?
Target, Old Navy, Marshall's, Burke's, book stores. I might be a Diva, but I'm a bargain shopper too.

When was the last time you went shopping?
This morning, pre-shots.

Do you even like shopping?
I more than like it.

What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Toy Story 3. Woody and Buzz love! 

How much is a movie ticket where you live?

Would you rather watch a movie alone or with someone?
Depends on the movie. If it's a movie I'll cry at some point, I rather watch alone. Any other movie, I like watching with others.

Would you see a movie just because a favorite actor was in it?
Not necessarily.

What movie would you like to watch right now?
A fluffy comedy would be nice.

How often do you watch movies?
Not often. I rarely have 2 straight hours to do nothing.

Who do you argue with more: Friends, family or significant other?
Family. More specifically, the kids since they know everything. *eye roll*

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