Friday, July 23, 2010

Survey Says...

Taken from here.

Which state do you consider to be the most boring state?
I've heard from a few people who have lived there that South Dakota is pretty boring, so I'll take their word for it.

If any chef from the Food Network could cater your wedding, who would it be?
Guy Fieri. Love him!

What's the last thing you ate that was red?
Had tomatoes in my chicken taco salad last night.

Have you ever questioned your sexuality?
Nope. I'm a man eater lover all the way. 

Have you ever lost a best friend after a fight?
Not since elementary school.

Have you ever washed an iPod or mp3 player in the washing machine?
No. But I can't say the same thing about cell phones.

Have you ever screamed / yelled angrily at a teacher?
I remember quite a few heated debates with Mr. Allen. He enjoyed it as much as I did - if not more.

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Not since I was a kid.

Have you ever regretted being in a relationship with someone?
Yes. I was stupid once.

Have you ever acted like you understood something when you didn't?

Have you ever thought someone must have been insane?
All the time.

Have you ever pretended to be older than what you are?
When I was 15 I could pass for 18, so...   

Have you ever cried because you were turned down?
I don't think so. Disappointed, but no tears.

Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?
You could call it that.

Have you ever pretended to like someone when you didn't?
Yeah. Mostly family.

Have you ever stolen money from one of your parents?

When did you last see a movie in theaters?
Saw Toy Story 3 a few weeks back.

When was the last time you kissed someone on the lips?

When was the last time you baked / cooked something?

When was the last time you danced like a crazy person?
Is there any other way to dance?

When was the last time you just wanted to be invisible?
Nearly every day.

When was the last time you got a gift you absolutely hated?
Every year for Christmas, my MIL has a penchant for picking out something absolutely dreadful. This past Christmas was no different.

When was the last time you got into a physical fight?
1989. Sisters suck sometimes.

When was the last time you watched your favorite movie?
Watching of my favorites right now - Good Night, and Good Luck.

When was the last time you downloaded a song?
Last week.

What is your absolute favorite dessert?
I'm a dessertaholic and like so many. Right now, my favorite is New York style cheesecake.

What was the last gift you bought someone for an occasion?
Bought MIL a gift card to her favorite clothing store for her birthday not too long ago.

What is the color of your cell phone, if you have one?

Would you ever donate money to charity?
I do.

Would you ever dump the person you're with for someone cuter?
Nah. He's stuck with me for a looooong time.

Would you ever cheat on someone if they cheated on you?
That would be stupid.

Would you ever consider becoming a teacher?
I don't have the patience.

Would you ever give a hitch-hiker a ride somewhere?
Not unless I knew them.

Would you ever try fasting for a whole week?
Probably not.

Would you ever die your hair purple?

Would you ever spend $100 for the best tasting hamburger in the world?
Not when I can make one for less than $3.

Would you ever consider becoming a nun?

Would you rather eat chocolate or fruity candies?

Would you rather listen to one CD forever or become deaf?
One CD forever.

Would you rather have a turtle or a frog for a pet?

Would you rather dye your hair green or blue?
No thanks.

Would you rather text or talk on the phone?

Would you rather spend a day with Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus?
Ugh to both, but I could deal better with LG I think.

Do you remember the first time you ever went into the ocean?
Yep. Loved it!.

Have you ever thought that a passer by was the one?

Ever told someone that your fake jewelery was really real?
What fake jewelry?!

Who has the worst public restrooms?
Convenience stores/gas stations.

Do you like going to the dentist?

Have you ever smelled a dairy farm?
Probably, but only in passing.

Name a song that got overplayed really fast.
Hey, Soul Sister.

Have you ever had an ultrasound?

Do you shop at Payless?

What Friends character are you most like?
The person sitting beside me says Rachel. Not sure if that's a good thing or not. HA!

When's the last time you had a popsicle?
Had a bite of someone's Icee Pop yesterday.

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